Sunday, October 10, 2010

Child Development And Technology

Research reports on the effect of technology on child development states that the influence of technology on children is mixed. The way kids of the present generation perceive and think is much different as compared to the previous generations.

The testing mechanisms and the method of teaching needs to change as they are pretty outdated for the present learning levels and do not rightly conclude the intellectual level of a child. The current system of education should promote children to conduct research and learn latest information from the internet than browse a limited set of research materials.

Video games, television and internet dominate children’s lives. Though they hamper the development some of the mental capabilities, it also helps in the improvement of the child in some ways. For instance, visual observation, grasping and processing power of the current generation seems to be comparatively high than their older counterparts.

Children, today, can multitask at a much better level than their adults. In addition, the eye to detail is considerably high among young kids. 

Technological advances also have a flip side to them. Constructive learning from visual observation is not a guarantee. The attention span and the reasoning capabilities of the children are diminishing. Hence, children have very less patience to attack and solve complex problems which require concentration for a long time.

Parenting the ‘techno’ kids has become a bigger challenge. There is a conflict in the ‘right amount of technology exposure’ to kids. While some parents do not provide much access to these technological advances, others think the younger generation deserves to benefit from these latest approaches.

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